
Transform the
root cause of
your disease

Many individuals believe that health simply means the absence of illness or symptoms. However, health is a state of abundance that we can build and strive for, in order to feel energized, vital, and balanced every day, all day long.

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Let‘s boost your mental clarity, physical performance, and life energy.

I detect and transform your root causes
to bring your life back!

Beat brain fog! My methods enhance cognitive function for laser focus and clarity.

Athlete or not, I‘ve got you covered. Personalized plans and biohacks for peak physical performance.

Glow inside out! Biophotonic nutrition and bioavailable supplements for renewed energy.

Manage stress, shed pounds – my unique approach brings real results.

Ready for Change?

My Approach:

An integrated and evidence-based health approach combined with powerful ancient techniques.

A holistic perspective on the root causes of imbalances.

The power of integrative therapies, bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and practical application.

The art of restoring optimal health through targeted interventions, involving therapeutic foods, lifestyle modifications, and nutraceutical strategies.

In-depth exploration of the intricacies of the body’s systems and how to understand the language of the body, known as symptomatology.


What do my clients say

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Since the change of diet in combination with the supplements I feel sooooo much better and that after only 3 weeks! I notice how I feel better every day and that is just great. Thanks a million dear Gloria – you are a godsend for me!
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I am so incredibly grateful from the bottom of my heart for Gloria's support during this time of my life, and have never experienced something so powerful before, even though I have tried an incredible amount of things!!!! Thank you so much!!!
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For the first time, I felt relief and soon my stomach aches became less! The sessions with Gloria are energetically highly effective and I can really recommend them. You will be surprised by what comes to the light!
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I feel all around better in my body and you can see a significant improvement in my skin. It is as if my body is telling me what it really needs. Thank you Gloria!!!
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I feel so energized day by day, my stomach & digestion problems disappeared after 10 days. I am a swimmer and Judo lover - noticed a higher training capacity and faster recovery. My skin is pure & fine, heals way faster after injury. Feeling more positive during these hard times!
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Feeling less stressed, having more power in my daily work, very positive and smiling - even my skin is really brilliant and appears younger. I lost 2-3 kg weight (in 1 month) even without doing sports and have no pain in my legs any more as I am standing up to 10 hours daily in my own shop!
Unique Analysis and treatment

Root Cause Program

Cutting-Edge Lab Tests for Uncovering the Underlying Causes of Symptoms

Prioritizing Nutrition, Supplements and Lifestyle as the Foundation

Tailored Treatment Strategies Aimed at Root Causes and Preventive Measures

Hands-On Support, Testing, and Progress Monitoring